Testing the screen size automatically using Javascript

Hello everyone, I've implemented a JavaScript code that triggers an image to slowly appear and darken the background when a link is clicked. However, on an iPad, the background doesn't completely turn black as intended. The CSS specifies that the background should cover 100% of the screen. Here's the relevant part of the CSS:

  _position:absolute; /* hack for internet explorer 6*/  
  border:1px solid #cecece;  

Upon debugging, I noticed that the screen size is only detected initially when the browser loads. In the case of iPads, the screen may be zoomed in or orientation changed leading to some white spots showing up. Is there a way to continuously track screen size changes using JavaScript? Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Whenever the width of the viewport is altered, the window.onresize event is triggered. Capture this event and adjust the size of the black element accordingly.

Answer №2

Using percentages for width and height can sometimes be difficult. In this situation, one alternative is to set the dimensions to a specific number of pixels that correspond to 100% of the width and height (using JavaScript/jQuery) instead of using percentages.

I hope this suggestion proves to be helpful!


By utilizing this script, you can obtain the size of the browser window (not the screen resolution, only the useful size). This information could be exactly what you need in order to accurately adjust the height and width of your background popup through JavaScript.

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