Gradually make the table row and its contents disappear as you scroll, based on how hidden the row is within the containing div

Uncertainty clouds my mind as to the practicality of this approach, the potential performance implications, and the frequency of scroll events firing to make this technique viable. Nevertheless, within a fixed height div (overflow-y: auto) lies a table.

My aspiration is to introduce an effect where each row and its contents fade out proportionally based on how far they are off the screen.

The core of the jQuery solution I've devised appears as follows:

 // on scroll event  
 $("#someDiv").on('scroll', function () {

     // grab each row
     $('tr', this).each(function () {

         var mainHeight = $("#someDiv").height();
         var rowTop = $(this).offset().top;
         var rowHeight = $(this).height();
         var rowBottom = rowTop + rowHeight;

         // the row has completely scrolled out of view
         if (rowBottom < 0 || rowTop > mainHeight) {
                 opacity: 0

         // the row is entirely visible
         if (rowTop > 0 && rowBottom < mainHeight) {
                 opacity: 1

         // apply fade out effect based on scroll position
         if (rowTop < 0) 
             $(this).css({opacity: rowBottom / rowHeight});
         else if (rowBottom > mainHeight) 
             $(this).css({opacity: (mainHeight - top) / height });


Despite the functionality of this code, achieving the opacity transition on a tr element remains elusive.

Important: My priority is for this to function flawlessly in Chrome.

See demonstration on JS Fiddle

Answer №1

There were a few conceptual issues with my initial code implementation.

  • I forgot to consider the top position of the containing divs.
  • Also, I encountered variable errors such as using 'top = rowTop'.

After some modifications, the code now works, albeit a bit slowly. I may need to address this in another question.

$("#someDiv").on('scroll', function () {
    var mainHeight = $(this).height();
    var mainTop = $(this).offset().top;
    $('tr', this).each(function () {

        var $this = $(this);
        var rowTop = $this.offset().top - mainTop;
        var rowHeight = $this.height();
        var rowBottom = rowTop + rowHeight;

        // Check if the row is fully off the screen
        if (rowBottom < 0 || rowTop > mainHeight) {

        // Check if the row is fully visible
        if (rowTop >= 0 && rowBottom <= mainHeight) {
                opacity: 1

        // Apply fade out effect based on position
        if (rowTop < 0) 
            $this.css({ opacity: rowBottom / rowHeight});
        else if (rowBottom > mainHeight) 
            $this.css({ opacity: (mainHeight - rowTop) / rowHeight});



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