Gradient in Half Circle With JavaScript

How can I achieve a gradient effect within a circle using the following initial code:


 <div class="progresss">
   <div class="barOverflow">
     <div class="bar"></div>

 <div class="progresss">
   <div class="barOverflow">
     <div class="bar"></div>


    position: relative;
    margin: 4px;
    text-align: center;
.barOverflow{ /* Wraps the rotating .bar */
    position: relative;
    //overflow: hidden; /* Omit this line to grasp the trick */
    width: 145px; height: 45px; /* Half of a circle (overflow) */
    margin-bottom: -14px; /* elevate the numbers */

    &:after {
        content: '';
        position: relative;
        display: block;
        top: -75px;
        width: 145px;
        height: 90px;
        background-color: #f3f5f6;
    position: relative;
    top: 0; left: 0;
    width: 145px; height: 145px; /* Complete circle! */
    border-radius: 50%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    border: 27px solid red;       /* Half is red, */
    border-bottom-color: green;  /* Half is green */
    border-right-color: green;




  var $bar = $(this).find(".bar");
  var $val = $(this).find("span");
  var perc = parseInt( $val.text(), 10);

  $({p:0}).animate({p:perc}, {
    duration: 3000,
    easing: "swing",
    step: function(p) {
        transform: "rotate("+ (45+(p*1.8)) +"deg)", // 100%=180° so: ° = % * 1.8
        // 45 is to add the needed rotation to have the green borders at the     bottom

My desired outcome:

Answer №1

Back in the day, I experimented with creating a gradient border using CSS and discovered the common method using the CSS border-image property. However, I found a different approach that I wanted to share:

  1. Start by creating 3 nested div elements:

    • wrapper, used to hide overflow,
    • out, with the gradient background color that will be rotated,
    • in, the inner circle where percentage numbers will be displayed,
  2. Within the first wrapper, add an element to hold the percentage number and position it in the middle using position: absolute. This separates the display of percentages from the rotating elements.

  3. Make wrapper a circle and hide its overflow for better presentation.

  4. Apply a gradient background to the out element, with the bottom half green and the top half transparent, creating a circular shape due to the parent's overflow.

  5. The rest involves some math and you can view the implementation in my fiddle.

This solution may not be perfect, especially with fixed dimensions, but it is adaptable to various needs. Feel free to adjust the gradient, dimensions, and positioning as required.

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