Generate gzipped files using Angular CLI

I am attempting to populate a dist folder with the standard files along with their .gz versions. To achieve this, I used ng eject to obtain the webpack.config.js file in order to integrate the compression plugin from I added new CompressPlugin({}) as the last plugin and set ejected: false in the .angular-cli.json file.

However, upon running ng build, I noticed that no .gzip/.gz files were being generated as expected.

Could there be something crucial that I might have overlooked or done incorrectly? The full webpack file (mostly auto-generated by ng new) is provided below:

(Webpack configuration code here)

I am currently using @angular/cli version 1.4.4.

The primary reason behind my efforts is to address certain SEO recommendations, specifically because my vendor.css file is flagged at 600Kb in PageSpeed Insights as a blocking CSS resource causing delays in page rendering. This file contains third-party styles such as Bootstrap and Font Awesome. In an attempt to mitigate this, I considered implementing compression. Additionally, I assumed that the web server would automatically compress and serve .gz files, although I'm unsure if this assumption holds true.

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To ensure that gzipped files are used, only the build of an ejected application is processed by the exposed webpack.config.js file. Applications that have not been ejected (or have ejected: false set) will simply disregard this webpack.config.js file.

If you want to work with gzipped files, you will need to interact with an ejected app and utilize the new npm scripts that are automatically included in the package.json.

Instead of using 'ng build', now you should execute:

npm run build

Here are some related answers that may be helpful:

  • Angular4 build - gzip missing
  • How to undo Angular 2 Cli ng-eject

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