Fuzzy text upon scrolling in Internet Explorer version 6

Having a problem with text in Internet Explorer. When the page initially loads, the text appears clean and sharp. However, when I double-click on some white space of the page, the text becomes distorted as shown in the following image:

Click here for alt text http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1249051422046133000.jpg

Does anyone know of a solution to fix this issue?

Thank you.

Answer №1

A blast from the past! I used to face similar issues back in the day. If memory serves me right, simply adding this line to the beginning of your CSS should do the trick:

* { position: relative; } 

However, keep in mind that this solution may have its own consequences. Give it a try and see if it solves your problem.

For more specific guidance on fixing issues with relative positioning, check out this evolt article. It delves into the root of the problem and provides insights on how to address it. Plus, you'll gain some understanding of why IE6 is notoriously problematic =)

Answer №2

It appears that there might be a rendering issue related to ClearType - have you checked if ClearType is enabled or disabled on your Windows system?

Additionally, are there any transparency settings (opacity) such as filter:alpha(opacity=x) in your CSS?

(Note that IE6 displays text differently when opacity is applied compared to IE7 and IE8)

Answer №3

One solution for resolving text rendering issues in IE6 is to apply a background to the text element.

Answer №4

It's a stretch, but have you implemented any proprietary DirectX transforms specifically for Internet Explorer? Is it possible that an external element on the page, such as an advertisement, is utilizing one?

Answer №5

It seems like the issue may be stemming from a driver or hardware glitch. Have you experienced this problem while using IE6 across multiple devices? Perhaps updating your video drivers or adjusting display settings could help resolve the issue. Another solution to consider is trying out a different video card altogether.

Answer №6

There's no connection to HTML/CSS in this situation. It may be best to reinstall your browser.

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