Formatting Anchor Tags Inside a Table Data Element

My existing CSS section is as follows:

padding: 13px;
border-spacing: 10px 10px;

I have a td section (a left sidebar) for which I want to change the color of all links inside this cell to green.

Is there any way to achieve this using syntax like:


Alternatively, do you have any other suggestions aside from having to individually update each page by wrapping the links in another class name?

Answer №1

Simply execute:

.rightMemberCol a

This code snippet will target all anchor elements that are inside the container with the class name .rightMemberCol

Answer №2

If you're having trouble with the color not displaying, make sure to double-check if you have already defined it in your CSS file for any pseudo selectors of the anchor tag, such as a:link and so on.

To override them, use the following code:

.leftMemberCol a:link,
.leftMemberCol a:hover,
.leftMemberCol a:visited,
.leftMemberCol a:active
   color: #E3E3CA;  

Answer №3

substitute the final period with a blank space

.rightNavCol a {
  add your style here

The period represents a class. A pound sign represents an id (

<div id="about">

can be customized with

#about { }

). An ordinary html element, such as a span or div, does not require a prefix.

Answer №4

.leftMemberCol a

This solution should work perfectly.

Answer №5

You're almost there! Here's how you can target the links within the cell:

.leftMemberCol a
   color: #E3E3CA;  

To learn more about selectors, check out this resource.

If your styling changes are not showing up, it could be due to having a more specific style defined for the links. You can increase specificity by adding more specifiers like so:

td.leftMemberCol a
   color: #E3E3CA;  

If all else fails, try using the !important directive as a last resort:

.leftMemberCol a
   color: #E3E3CA !important;

Answer №6


Answer №7

.rightMemberCol a

This styles apply to all <a> tags within the context of .rightMemberCol

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