Fluctuating problem arises when placing one div over another div while hovering

Sorry if the title isn't clear. Basically, I have a div that when hovered over, triggers another div to appear with display:block, showing it above the original div. It works well but there is some flickering when moving the cursor over the second div.

There's also a small issue where the second div disappears momentarily when clicked.

Take a look at this jsFiddle for an example: http://jsfiddle.net/uB82S/1/

Answer №1


Check out this Fiddle


Revise your HTML as follows:

<div class="product-main">

   <div id="img-container" class="img-container">

   <div class="feature-product-img" id="feature-product-img" style="display: block;">
      <a href="http://www.spinnakerextreme.com/2012-tt-isle-of-man-official-review-blu-ray-and-dvd.html" title="2012 TT Isle of Man Official Review Blu Ray and DVD">
           <img class="product-img" src="http://www.spinnakerextreme.com/media/catalog/product/p/r/product_2_bg.png" alt="2012 TT Isle of Man Official Review Blu Ray and DVD" />
      ****move this inside the feature-product div****
     <div class="main-img" id="main-img">
        <a href="http://www.spinnakerextreme.com/2012-tt-isle-of-man-official-review-blu-ray-and-dvd.html" title="2012 TT Isle of Man Official Review Blu Ray and DVD">
            <img src="http://www.spinnakerextreme.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/t/t/tt_man_review_1.png" height="184" id="main-image-img"/>
<div class="product-description">
  <a href="http://www.spinnakerextreme.com/2012-tt-isle-of-man-official-review-blu-ray-and-dvd.html" title="2012 TT Isle of Man Official Review Blu Ray and DVD">
      2012 TT Isle of Man Official Review Blu Ray and DVD

Update the css to:

.feature-product-img:hover > .main-img{

.feature-product-img .main-img:active {

Answer №2

To enhance the user experience, consider placing the hover effect on the product container instead of the main image itself. This will ensure a more consistent display of the main image.


.product-container {
    display: inline-block;
.product-container:hover .main-image{

.main-image:active {

Answer №3

To ensure proper functionality, make sure to utilize the correct selector. For reference, visit http://jsfiddle.net/uB82S/7/

.feature-product-img:hover + .main-img {
.feature-product-img + .main-img:active {
* substitute with the following code ..
#img-container:hover div#main-img {
    cursor: pointer;
    display: block;

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