Flex Row with Expansion Panel spacing concern

Experiencing issues with spacing of expansion panels within a flex row.

Multiple Mat-Expansion-Panel are inside an ngFor loop, each containing varying amounts of items.

When one panel is expanded, the adjacent panel also expands to the same height without displaying its items.

I have provided a stackblitz example for reference: https://stackblitz.com/edit/mat-expansion-panel-x8qz9z

Considering that my panellist component is used multiple times with different layouts, should I create two separate columns within the *ngFor in order to resolve this issue?

Edit1: Attempted using height:max-content on the mat-expansion-panel, but then panel 3 does not move up under panel one.

The problem persists when applying align-items:baseline; on the container as well.


Answer №1

To achieve this layout, it is necessary to use 2 separate columns. You can divide your array into two columns, or as many as needed, by following this approach:

columns = [
  this.panels.slice(0, Math.ceil(this.panels.length / 2)),
  this.panels.slice(Math.ceil(this.panels.length / 2))

Once you have the columns array, you can utilize it in your template like so:

<div class="panel-container">
  <div class="panel-column" *ngFor="let columnPanels of columns">
    <mat-expansion-panel class="panel" *ngFor="let panel of columnPanels">

      <div *ngFor="let item of panel.items">{{item}}</div>

Don't forget to update your CSS as well:

.panel-container {

.panel-column {
  flex: 1;

.panel {
  margin: 10px;
  height: max-content;

Check out the code sample here!

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