Firefox not responding to mouse movements

I am experimenting with creating an "animation" using JavaScript's "mousemove" Check it out here

This is the code I am currently using

var wWidth = $("body").width()/2
var wHeight = $("body").height()/2
var posX;
var posY;
posX = e.pageX - (wWidth);
posY = e.pageY - (wHeight)

posX = scaleBetween(posX,-90,90,wWidth,-wWidth);
posY = scaleBetween(posY,-90,90,wHeight,-wHeight);
    //$("body").text("Position X"+ posX.toString() +" Y"+ posY.toString());

$("#hero").css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )

function scaleBetween(unscaledNum, minAllowed, maxAllowed, min, max){
    return (maxAllowed-minAllowed)*(unscaledNum-min)/(max - min) + minAllowed;

var wWidth = $("body").width()/2
var wHeight = $("body").height()/2
var posX;
var posY;
posX = e.pageX - (wWidth);
posY = e.pageY - (wHeight)

posX = scaleBetween(posX,90,-90,wWidth,-wWidth);
posY = scaleBetween(posY,-90,90,wHeight,-wHeight);
    //$("body").text("Position X"+ posX.toString() +" Y"+ posY.toString());

$("#hero2").css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )

function scaleBetween(unscaledNum, minAllowed, maxAllowed, min, max){
    return (maxAllowed-minAllowed)*(unscaledNum-min)/(max - min) + minAllowed;

margin: 0px;

.bighero {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
display : table-cell;
vertical-align : middle;
horinzontal-align : middle;
z-index: 500;

img {

#hero2 {
margin-top: -5px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="bighero">
<div id="hero">
<img src=""/>

<div id="hero2">
<img src=""/>


The animation does not seem to be working on Firefox, any insights on what could be causing this issue? Thank you for your help

Answer №1

var wWidth = $("body").width()/2
var wHeight = $("body").height()/2
var posX;
var posY;
posX = e.pageX - (wWidth);
posY = e.pageY - (wHeight)

posX = scaleBetween(posX,-90,90,wWidth,-wWidth);
posY = scaleBetween(posY,-90,90,wHeight,-wHeight);
    //$("body").text("Position X"+ posX.toString() +" Y"+ posY.toString());

$("#hero").css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )

$("#hero").css('-moz-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )
$("#hero").css('transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )

function scaleBetween(unscaledNum, minAllowed, maxAllowed, min, max){
    return (maxAllowed-minAllowed)*(unscaledNum-min)/(max - min) + minAllowed;

var wWidth = $("body").width()/2
var wHeight = $("body").height()/2
var posX;
var posY;
posX = e.pageX - (wWidth);
posY = e.pageY - (wHeight)

posX = scaleBetween(posX,90,-90,wWidth,-wWidth);
posY = scaleBetween(posY,-90,90,wHeight,-wHeight);
    //$("body").text("Position X"+ posX.toString() +" Y"+ posY.toString());

$("#hero2").css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )

$("#hero2").css('-moz-transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )
$("#hero2").css('transform', 'rotate3d(0,1,0,'+(posX)+'deg)' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,'+(-posY)+'deg)' )


function scaleBetween(unscaledNum, minAllowed, maxAllowed, min, max){
    return (maxAllowed-minAllowed)*(unscaledNum-min)/(max - min) + minAllowed;

margin: 0px;

.bighero {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
display : table-cell;
vertical-align : middle;
horinzontal-align : middle;
z-index: 500;

img {

#hero2 {
margin-top: -5px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="bighero">
<div id="hero">
<img src=""/>

<div id="hero2">
<img src=""/>


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