Firefox fails to apply styling to content loaded through Ajax (particularly when using AngularJS)

I've encountered a strange problem while working on my app (MVC4 + AngularJS). It seems that in Firefox (currently version 42), content loaded through an Ajax call does not always pick up the CSS styles that were loaded before. In the attached images, you can see that the value text (highlighted in red) should have a font-weight: normal according to Firefox's Firebug, but it still appears bold on the screen. Even when I tried switching to Arial font, the issue persisted.

Initially, I suspected it might be related to AngularJS. Some of the required labels appeared bold due to conditional styling with ng-class. However, even after removing the ng-class, all text, labels, and values remained bold.

It appears that Firefox is not applying the body style to elements loaded via Ajax calls. Screenshots are provided below:

Answer №1

Since updating to the latest version of Firefox (from 42 to 43), all previous problems have been resolved.

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