Firefox experiencing issues with overflowing HTML content

I am facing an issue with a table inside a div container where the content exceeds the container size.

Interestingly, in Internet Explorer, the parent containers automatically expand to fit the table content.

However, in Firefox, the div container only widens to a certain limit and I am unable to extend it further.

I prefer not to use CSS overflow property to scroll or clip the content. Instead, I want the parent containers to adjust their size based on the table content length.

You can visualize the problem by checking out this fiddle. To experience the issue, you will need to reduce the browser window size. It's strange that the problem shows up in the fiddle but not when I run the code locally on my computer.

Check out the example

If anyone has a solution for this particular problem, please share your thoughts.

Thank you, Tedderz

Answer №1

It appears that the issue you're facing is related to the div not extending beyond the right edge of the browser window when the content expands. One potential solution could be to set a min-width or width for the div that closely matches the width of the table. A similar question was raised by another individual here, but it seems like a definitive answer was not found other than explicitly increasing the size of the outer div. Best of luck resolving this issue, and I'll update if I come across any additional insights.


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