Firebase hosting adjusts the transparency of an element to 1% whenever it detects the presence of CSS opacity

I'm currently working on a website using Vue.js and Firebase. Everything runs smoothly locally, including a button with a desired low opacity. However, when I deploy the site to Firebase Hosting, the button's opacity inexplicably changes to 1% and becomes invisible. Removing any custom opacity CSS solves the issue temporarily, but I need it to work as intended without manual adjustments. This problem only occurs after deploying to hosting; no such issues occur in the local environment. Any suggestions on what might be causing this? I have tried rebuilding and redeploying multiple times to fix any potential build errors.

Answer №1

This issue often arises for many individuals when working with Sass.

Working with percentages in Sass follows the same principles as any other unit of measurement. It's important to note that decimals and percentages are not interchangeable in CSS, as they hold different meanings. For instance, 50% is considered a percentage value while 0.5 is a decimal number in Sass.

To address this, it's recommended to convert percentages into their equivalent decimal values in your CSS.

For instance, utilize opacity: 0.8; instead of opacity: 80%;

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