Finding the best way to transfer text between DIV elements?

I have a dilemma involving two DIV elements positioned absolutely on the sides of an HTML page, much like this EXAMPLE:

<div class="left">
<div class="right">

These are styled using the following CSS:


My question is, is there a way to insert text into the left DIV and allow any excess text to flow into the right one? I am open to alternative solutions that achieve the same result, regardless of whether they involve these specific DIV elements.

NOTE: While I would prefer a pure CSS solution, it appears unlikely. Therefore, I am seeking a pure JavaScript solution without relying on libraries or frameworks.

Answer №1

CSS Regions (still in the 'draft' phase) aims to address this issue:

The CSS regions module enables content to flow through multiple areas known as regions. These regions do not have to be adjacent in the document order. The CSS regions module offers a sophisticated content flow mechanism, which can work together with positioning techniques specified by other CSS modules like the Multi-Column Module [CSS3COL] or the Grid Layout Module [CSS3-GRID-LAYOUT] for placing the regions where content flows.

For more information and tutorials, visit

Answer №2

Here's a solution using the fixed-width method. The space between the two columns will be equal to the width of the main div.

Check out the Fiddle

<div class="container">
    <div class="sides">Insert your text here.<div>
    <div class="main"></div>

If you prefer variable width, you'll need to use JS or jQuery.


In this case, I utilized jQuery as I found it easier than using pure JS to solve this issue.

function setGap() {
    var width = $(".main").width();
        "-moz-column-gap": width + "px",
            "-webkit-column-gap": width + "px",
            "column-gap": width + "px"

Updated Fiddle Link

Update 1:

function setGap() {
    var width = document.getElementsByClassName("main")[0].offsetWidth;
    var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("sides")[0];
    var style = elem.getAttribute("style");
    if (typeof style != "null") {
        style =
            "-moz-column-gap:" + width + "px; -webkit-column-gap:" + width + "px; column-gap:" + width + "px";
        elem.setAttribute("style", style);
    else {
        style +=
            "-moz-column-gap:" + width + "px; -webkit-column-gap:" + width + "px; column-gap:" + width + "px";
        elem.setAttribute("style", style);
window.onresize = setGap;

Another Updated Fiddle Link

Answer №3

Up until now, in the year 2012, it has been impossible to achieve this effect using only CSS or CSS3 (without resorting to 2 separate elements).

However, with the help of JavaScript, you can duplicate the content and apply the scrollTop function on the appropriate element:


var d = document,
    $left  = d.getElementById('left'),
    $right = d.getElementById('right'),
    leftH  = $left.offsetHeight;

$right.innerHTML = $left.innerHTML +'<p style="height:'+ leftH +'px;" />';
$right.scrollTop = leftH;

In order to make this work effectively, an empty paragraph is also being added to adjust the scrolling position of the right element.

Note: Remember to include overflow:hidden; in your ID elements #left and #right

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