Filtering Angular 6 elements by their start and finish dates


     <nav class="navbar">
       <a class="navbar-brand">Checkout-Reports</a>

       <label>From </label>
       <input type="date" class="mx-3" />
       <label>To </label>
       <input class="mx-3" type="date" />

   <div id="table-scroll" class="table-scroll table-bordered">
     <div class="table-wrap" id="checkouts">
       <table class="main-table">
             <th class="fixed-side" scope="col">Name</th>
             <th scope="col">M-No</th>
             <th scope="col">Check-in Date</th>
             <th scope="col">Sharing Type</th>
             <th scope="col">Bed</th>
             <th scope="col">Advance</th>
             <th scope="col">Monthly Rent</th>
             <th scope="col">Checkouted Date</th>

           <tr *ngFor="let checkout of pgCheckOutList">
             <th class="fixed-side">
               {{ checkout.firstName }} {{ checkout.lastName }}
             <td>{{ checkout.mNumber }}</td>
             <td>{{ checkout.checkOutDate | date: "dd-MM-yyyy" }}</td>
             <td>{{ checkout.balAmt }}</td>
             <td>{{ checkout.roomNo }}</td>


     selector: "app-checkout-list-report",
     templateUrl: "./checkout-list-report.component.html",
     styleUrls: ["./checkout-list-report.component.scss"]
   export class CheckoutListReportComponent implements OnInit {
     pgCheckOutList: CheckOut[] = [];

       private tenantService: TenantService,
       private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
       private router: Router,
       private checkOutService: CheckOutService
     ) {}

     ngOnInit() {
         .subscribe((checkouts: CheckOut[]) => {
           this.pgCheckOutList = checkouts;


.table-scroll {
  position: relative;
  margin: auto;
  overflow: hidden;
.table-wrap {
  width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
.table-scroll table {
  width: 100%;
  margin: auto;
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 0;
.table-scroll th,
.table-scroll td {
  padding: 5px 10px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  vertical-align: top;

I need to filter the items by a specified start and end date range.

I am working on implementing a filtering functionality for a data array that corresponds to a list of checkouts based on the user's input start and end dates in TypeScript for my Angular application.

I need to filter the items by a specified start and end date range. I am currently developing a feature to filter a data array of checkouts based on the user's provided from-date and to-date inputs in TypeScript for my Angular Application.

I need to filter the items by a specific start date and end date range. Working on filtering a data array of checkout lists based on user input start and end dates in TypeScript for my Angular application.

Answer №1

Looking for a way to filter your fields? Check out the ngx-filter-pipe npm package, which allows you to specify any fields you want to filter.

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