Fill a calculator screen with the inner content of a div element

Currently, I am working on a project where I am using JavaScript to update a calculator's display (.display) based on the numbered button that is clicked.

To achieve this, I am trying to utilize forEach to add a click event listener to each button. This listener will trigger an updateDisplay function which will then update the displayValue variable with the number contained within the div.

Despite my efforts, the code is not functioning as expected and no console errors are being reported. Can anyone offer assistance?

The condensed HTML structure is as follows:

<div class="container">
    <div class="sub-container">
        <div class="display">
            <p id="result-display">
    <div class="button-grid">
        <div class="item" id="7">

My JavaScript code can be summarized as follows:

//Define variables for display value and display area, initializing the display.
let displayValue = 0;
let displayArea = document.getElementById('result-display');
displayArea.innerHTML += displayValue;

//Update display based on button clicks
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.item');
buttons.forEach(button => {
addEventListener('click', () => {

//Function to update displayValue variable  
let updateDisplay = () => {
displayValue = button.innerHTML;

Answer №1

One issue you're facing is scoping. Within the loop, you iterate through multiple buttons labeled as button. It may be better to refer to them collectively in the plural form. You then correctly attach an event listener to each one.

I made a slight modification to your code for accessibility reasons. Adding event listeners directly to p may confuse screen readers. By changing the tag to button, many accessibility issues are automatically resolved.

When the event is triggered, we need to determine which specific element was clicked. You could create individual event listener functions for each button, or implement a generic event listener that identifies the clicked button.

Instead of altering the innerHTML of the button itself (which already displays 7), focus on updating the display area with the new value of displayValue. A function like this would be beneficial:

const rerenderCalculatorDisplay = (newValue) => {
  displayArea.innerHTML = newValue;

If you want to append to the existing displayValue using +=, you should first retrieve the innerHTML before concatenating. This accounts for scenarios where users input numbers separately such as adding '4 + 4' versus '44'.

A revised version of rerenderCalculatorDisplay might look like this:

const rerenderCalculatorDisplay = (addToDisplay) => {
  if (!isNaN(addToDisplay))
    displayArea.innerHTML = `${displayValue}${addToDisplay}`;

Rather than extracting the id from as I did, you could alternatively extract the

Alternatively, you could create separate event listeners for each button pressed by the user.

Consider replacing:

const button = document.querySelectorAll('.item');
button.forEach(item => {
  addEventListener('click', () => {


const button = document.querySelectorAll('.item');
button.forEach(item => {
  addEventListener('click', () => {
    updateDisplay(; // specifies which button to update

  const updateDisplay = (valueClicked) => {
    displayValue += valueClicked;
    displayArea.innerText = displayValue; // ensure update is visible to the user

(Container HTML appears here).

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