The scrolling top value is dynamic when in developer mode

Looking to create a custom scrollbar for my web application.

The approach I'm taking involves shifting the default scrollbar 100px to the right and hiding it with overflow:hidden in the parent container


    scrollerHeight = ( $(this).parent().height() / $(this).prop("scrollHeight") ) * $(this).parent().height();
    sTop = ( $(this).scrollTop()  / ( $(this).prop("scrollHeight") - $(this).outerHeight()  ) * ( $(this).height() - scrollerHeight) );
        margin:sTop+"px"+" 0 0 0"
    scrollerHeight = ( $(this).parent().height() / $(this).prop("scrollHeight") ) * $(this).parent().height();
    pad = $(this).css("padding-bottom").match(/[-\d]+/g)[0]*1+$(this).css("padding-top").match(/[-\d]+/g)[0]*1;
    if($(this).prop("scrollHeight")  - pad <= $(this).height()){
    padding:0 100px 100px 0;
    margin:0 100px 100px 0;

    background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2) !important;

.scrollbar-vertical .scroller{
    background:#333 !important;




.scrollbar-horizontal .scroller{
    background:#333 !important;
<script src=""></script>
<div class = "example">
    <div class = "content">
    <div class = "scrollbar scrollbar-vertical">
        <div class = "scroller"></div>

It works well when overflow-y: scroll is applied to .content, but fails with overflow: scroll.

Even with overflow: scroll set, the scrollbar functions correctly in Chrome's developer mode. The issue seems to stem from $(this).scrollTop() increasing by 17 outside of developer mode. Any insights on why this might be happening are appreciated.

Check out the codepen here.

Answer №1

17px represents the size of a scrollbar in Chrome on desktop displays with a pointer type interface. When a scrollbar is present, this additional amount of pixels is included in the overall dimension of your container. The scrollbar becomes visible because you have set it to always be displayed using overflow:scroll.

In Chrome on desktops, the width of a vertical scrollbar is 17px, while the height of a horizontal scrollbar is also 17px.

If you notice that the scrollbars are hidden when in developer mode, it may be due to enabling the "Toggle device toolbar" option, which allows for previewing touch-based devices. In such cases, Chrome will display mobile/touch scrollbars above the content only when they are actively used. If there is no need for scrollbars (i.e., nothing to scroll), they will not appear even if you include overflow:scroll; in your styling.

To toggle the device toolbar while in developer mode, simply press Ctrl + Shift + M.

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