Failure to correctly apply CSS to Angular custom components causes styling issues

I have been working with a custom component and I have incorporated several instances of it within the parent markup. When I apply styles directly within the custom component, everything works as intended. However, when I try to set styles in the parent component for each individual custom component, the formatting does occur but seems to affect elements outside of the targeted custom component rather than within it.

In this example on StackBlitz, you can see that the border is not appearing around the custom components themselves, but rather surrounding them.

I am struggling to understand why this is happening and how to go about resolving it.

Answer №1

It seems like your custom components are missing the display css property, causing it to default to display: inline. This can lead to unusual behavior with borders on inline elements. You can find more information about this issue here:

To resolve the problem, consider adding display: block to your custom component. Here's a reference link for you:

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