Extend the width of a div element to fit the size of its absolutely positioned

I am facing an issue with a Div that contains multiple absolutely positioned divs. The clickable area of the main div expands to cover the children, but the drawn area does not. I need the drawn area to encompass all the container divs.

You can view a JSFiddle of the code here.

Upon refreshing the page several times, you may notice a small red box in the top left corner (hidden by the divs). This box is the container, and my goal is to have it surround all the child elements.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're looking for an alternative solution to the JS option provided, here's a CSS approach that might seem like a workaround, but it does the job effectively: http://jsfiddle.net/C29P8/131/

The concept involves eliminating all positioning elements, setting the ".pile" container to float: left; to expand based on its content (similarly, set the notes to float: left; as they don't require positioning), and adjusting the notes by using margin-left: -100px; in ".note" and adding padding-left: 110px in ".pile" (the extra 10px of padding accommodates the note's rotation, ensuring it stays within the red border) so that each note overlaps one another.

I may not be great at explaining this technique, my apologies for that. However, I have annotated the code modifications made on the JSFiddle page for clarity. Hopefully, this will make it easier to understand.

Answer №2

Elements that are absolutely positioned are removed from the normal flow of the webpage. One solution is to use JavaScript to calculate and set the dimensions of the parent element based on the children, or you can simply manually specify a height and width for the relative div.

Answer №3

Determine the precise width required by utilizing the getBoundingClientRect() method.

Here is a live demonstration: http://example.com/demo.

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