Express-minify is having trouble loading the CSS file. If we remove a portion of the file, it should be able

After implementing the express-minify middleware, I encountered an issue with loading the attached CSS file.

Even after validating the CSS using an online service, no errors were detected.

I attempted to debug by gradually removing elements, and the problem arose when reaching

.mainmenu tr td:hover:not(.mainmenu_item_selected)

To resolve the issue, I had to remove everything from

.mainmenu tr td:hover:not(.mainmenu_item_selected)
onwards in the file (excluding other necessary styles).

Despite trying various methods such as recreating and renaming the file, the issue persisted.

The express logs indicated:

GET /stylesheets/gctl.css 200 4.954 ms - -
, confirming that the file was being served correctly.

The installation process followed the standard npm website guide:

var minify = require('express-minify');

File (saved as gctl.css)

In main page (Using PUG):

link(rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/gctl.css')

CSS file:

html, body, * {
    font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
    margin: 0;


.desktop-icon {
    width: 60px;
    opacity: 0.6;

I am currently at a loss on how to identify the source of the problem!

Answer №1

If you believe that the default behavior is causing issues with the Bootstrap layout and no one has reported it yet, it would be a good idea to submit an issue on GitHub where this project keeps track of such matters.

However, simply stating that it "breaks layout" is not very descriptive. What specific changes are being made? Are margins affected? Borders removed? To ensure your issue is addressed properly, provide a minimal CSS sample demonstrating how this module disrupts the layout in a predictable way, rather than making vague statements.

While it's possible that there may be a bug in the module, it is difficult to pinpoint without more specific details beyond general claims.

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