Exploring ways to customize the input color of Material UI TextField when it is disabled [Version: 5.0.8]

I am having trouble changing the border color and text color when an input is disabled. I have tried multiple variations, as seen below:

const textFieldStyle = {
    '& label': {
        color: darkMode?'#1976d2':'',

    '& .MuiOutlinedInput-root': {
        '& fieldset': {
        '&:hover fieldset': {
            borderColor: darkMode?'#1976d2':'',
    "& input.Mui-disabled": {
        color: "green"


<TextField value={formState.vinInput} type="text" label="Stack" sx={textFieldStyle}/>

The rest of the styles are working correctly, like general color and focused color!

Answer №1

For version 4, you can implement the following code:

 MuiInputBase: {
    root: {
      "&$disabled": {
        color: "red",
        border: "1px solid red"

According to the Material-ui documentation for version 5, the usage of the$ symbol in JSS will not function with Emotion. Valid class selectors need to be used as replacements.

This is the defined style:

    const useStyles = makeStyles({
    customDisable: {
      "& .MuiInputBase-input.Mui-disabled": {
        color: "red !important",
        "-webkit-text-fill-color": "red !important",
        borderColor: "red !important"
      "& .Mui-disabled .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": {
        borderColor: "red !important"

Apply it to a TextField like this:

        defaultValue="Hello World"

Here is the Codesandbox link.

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