Create a border surrounding the matColumn within a sticky matTable

I am currently working with a matTable that has the first two or three columns set as sticky. However, I am facing an issue where the scrolling behavior of the non-sticky columns under the sticky ones looks like a glitch due to existing border styling on the table:

I would like to apply a unique border style (or any other type of styling) but I am encountering challenges with targeting the headers and body cells separately:

  1. All column headers share the same list of classes, making it difficult for me to select only the sticky ones:

  1. The body cells only have 'mat-table-sticky' on the actual sticky columns, allowing me to target them individually. However, using sibling selectors is proving to be tricky when trying to select the last sticky column; 'last-child' and 'last-of-type' selectors do not seem to acknowledge that I specifically want to target the sticky columns.

Does anyone have suggestions on how I can apply a border (or any form of styling) exclusively to the last sticky column?

Edit: Here is the HTML code defining the sticky status:

<ng-container *ngFor="let column of columns">
  <ng-container matColumnDef={{column.displayName}} [sticky]="column.sticky"> <!-- column.sticky determines whether a given column is sticky -->
    <th mat-header-cell>{{column.displayName}}</th>

Answer №1

It seems like using nth-child may be the solution to your issue with th:nth-child(x)

Check out this link for more information on :nth-child CSS selector

    display: grid;
    place-content: center;
    position: relative;


.first-table th:nth-child(4){
      <tr class="first-table">
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">4th child</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>

      <tr class="second-table">
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>
        <th class="mat-sticky">Savings</th>

Answer №2

In my solution, I implemented a function in each cell that examines the adjacent column and assigns a sticky-edge class if it is at the edge:

<ng-container *ngFor="let column of columns; let i = index">
  <ng-container matColumnDef={{column.displayName}} [sticky]="column.sticky"> <!-- column.sticky determines whether a given column is sticky -->
    <th mat-header-cell [class]="getStickyEdgeClass(i)">{{column.displayName}}</th>
getStickyEdgeClass(index: number){
  if (columns.length > index + 1 && columns[index].sticky && !columns[i + 1].sticky)
    return "sticky-edge";
    return "";
.sticky-edge {
  border-right-color: black;

I had initially hoped to achieve this purely with CSS but sometimes solutions require more than just styling. Perhaps there's a better way out there that I haven't discovered yet.

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