Exploring ways to animate a conditionally displayed component when the state changes using a combination of javascript and css

I am encountering a scenario where I have a react component with a specific part that is rendered conditionally. Upon clicking on a visible element within the component (button), the state changes triggering the display of the hidden parts. However, instead of simply showing the hidden part instantly, I would like it to fade in gradually. Is there a way to achieve this using only CSS without relying on external libraries like CSSTransitionGroup? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

import React, { Component } from "react";

export default class Parent extends Component {
  state = {
    showForm: false

  render() {
    const { showForm } = this.state;
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({ showForm: true })}>
          Fade in form on click
    {showForm && (
           This section should fade in once **showForm** becomes true

Answer №1

Make sure to assign a unique custom class name for the outer div. In this case, I am using 'fadeEffect' as the class name.

{showForm && (
   <div className="fadeEffect">
       This section should fade in when the variable **showForm** is set to true

Remember to add the following CSS code snippet to your stylesheet file:

.fadeEffect {
  animation: fadeInTransition 2s;

@keyframes fadeInTransition {
    from { opacity: 0; }
    to   { opacity: 1; }

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