Exploring the benefits of utilizing Scoped CSS for individual components within Next.js version 13

Switching from a Vue.js background to starting with Next.js, I want to scope my CSS for each component such as Navbar instead of using it inside Globas.css. Is there a way to achieve this?

I am also utilizing the Tailwind CSS library.

I attempted creating individual CSS files for each component like Angular and importing them into each component, but it did not work out as expected.

Here is what my current folder structure looks like:


Answer №1

When working with React components, you have the option to organize your CSS using tools like CSS Modules or styled-components like Styled Components. However, if you are utilizing Tailwind CSS, which provides a wide range of utility classes, you may not find it necessary to use these additional styling methods.

Answer №2

To enhance the styling of your components, consider incorporating CSS modules into your project. Start by creating a your-component.module.scss or css file and then importing it as shown below:

import styles from './your-component.module.scss';

 <div className={styles.yourClass}> ... </div>

If you are transitioning from Vue, you may find CSS-in-JS to be more suitable for your needs. There are various options available such as StyledComponents, Linaria, Emotion, etc.

Answer №3

If you're looking to style your Navbar component, you have the option of using either styled components or CSS modules. To implement CSS modules for your Navbar.jsx component, follow these steps:

Create a new file named Navbar.module.css.

    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    display: inline-block;

// you can add more CSS classes here

In your Navbar.jsx file, import the CSS module like this:

import classes from './Navbar.module.css'

You can now use the imported classes within your `Navbar.jsx` file as shown below:

<nav className={classes.navbar}>...</nav>;

The variable `classes` holds all the CSS classes defined in the imported module.

For further information on CSS Modules, visit this link.

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