Exploring the benefits of using Div and semantic elements in web

After spending more than two months learning HTML, I still find myself uncertain about the most practical coding approach. Despite knowing that it's important not to overthink it, I often wonder if I should stick with simplicity or add extra elements for styling flexibility.

For instance, in the code snippet below, is it necessary to include div id="header" when there is already a header class="header"? I noticed that some websites, like those on Freecodecamp, use non-semantic div tags to wrap semantic elements like headers. Should I follow this practice just for consistency?

In terms of CSS, I haven't styled anything specifically for the div id="header". That makes me question whether having an additional div tag adds unnecessary complexity to the code. Would fewer tags and cleaner code ultimately lead to better readability and maintainability?

.logo {
margin: 20px 0 0 20px;

.logo img {
max-width: 230px;

header {
display: flex;
font-weight: 700;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #fff;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: baseline;

Answer №1

Styling a div element can be done by applying a class, but when there's only one header tag in the structure, using a class is unnecessary.

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