Challenges with unique scrollbar designs and dynamic tab loading using AJAX

Hello to all amazing members of stackoverflow,

I'm facing some major challenges getting my custom scrollbar to function properly with ajax-based tabs. Any assistance you can provide would be immensely helpful. I have most of it set up and operational, and I'll showcase what I currently have with the code below as well as in the demo link.

You can view the Demo here:

In the demo above, you'll notice that the custom scrollbar works correctly for the first tab - simply hover over the icon in the upper left corner of the container to see the drop-down menu tabs. However, for any tab after that, the custom scrollbar doesn't seem to apply itself. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!


<div id="extended_container" class="shadow_effect">



.scrollable {
    position: relative;


Unfortunately, due to character limits, I cannot include all the required JS/AJAX code here. However, the complete JS/AJAX code is available in the provided demo link.

Answer №1

Many custom scrollbar scripts struggle with hidden content when implemented.

However, there are a few exceptions like Tiny Scrollbar and Malihu's Custom Scrollbar that offer update functions to address this issue.

In reviewing the github repository for the custom scrollbar script you are using, I noticed it lacks an update function that could resolve this particular problem.

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