Exploring Text Color Verification with CSS in Selenium IDE

I am working on a project and want to ensure that my link is styled properly:

<a class="title">My link</a>

The CSS code used to style my link is as follows:

a.title {
  color: #CC3333;

How can I confirm that the text "My link" is displaying in red? While I know how to locate the element with css=a.title, I am unsure of how to assert that color == "#CC3333" in Selenium IDE. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

style.color retrieves the color if the actual DOM element contains a style attribute. However, if the color is specified within a <style> tag, this method will not work. In such cases, you should consider using getComputedStyle(). Keep in mind that color provides the color in RGB format, so you may need to manually convert it and double-check the RGB output.

For example:

  "rgb(204, 51, 51)"

Note: It's advisable to utilize

instead of directly referencing window for improved clarity. The use of window has been retained here for brevity in the snippet.

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