Exploring Latitude, Longitude, and SVGs

In my attempt to visually represent an airport and its airspace using an SVG, I have encountered a persistent issue with the y-axis and its conversion. Despite verifying the coordinates multiple times, the positioning of the lines representing the runways (09L/27R above 09R/27L) and the placement of LON above both lines seem to be incorrect. Is there a specific technique or logic that can be applied in SVG to address this discrepancy?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Radar Screen</title>
    body {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      overflow: hidden; /* Prevent scrolling */

    #radar-container {
      position: fixed;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100vh;

    svg {
      width: 100%; /* Take full width of container */
      height: 100%; /* Take full height of container */
      border: 1px solid black;
  <div id="radar-container">
    <svg id="radar-svg">
      <!-- Runways, waypoints, and airport will be dynamically drawn here -->
    // Function to convert latitude and longitude to screen coordinates
    function convertCoordinates(latitude, longitude) {
        // Airport coordinates
        const airportLatitude = 51.4775; // Decimal degrees
        const airportLongitude = -0.46139; // Decimal degrees

        // Calculate center of SVG based on airport coordinates
        const centerX = window.innerWidth / 2;
        const centerY = window.innerHeight / 2;

        // Assume some mapping between latitude and y-axis, and longitude and x-axis
        // You may need to adjust these calculations based on your specific mapping
        const scaleFactor = 2000; // Adjust based on the scale of your radar screen
        const offsetX = centerX - (airportLongitude * scaleFactor);
        const offsetY = centerY - (airportLatitude * scaleFactor);
        const screenX = (longitude * scaleFactor) + offsetX;
        const screenY = (latitude * scaleFactor) + offsetY;
        return { x: screenX, y: screenY };

    // Waypoint coordinates
    const waypointCoordinates = [
      { name: "LON", latitude: 51.4861, longitude: -0.4666 },

    // Runway coordinates
    const runwayCoordinates = [
      { id: "27R", start: { latitude: 51.4776, longitude: -0.4332 }, end: { latitude: 51.4775, longitude: -0.4849 }},
      { id: "09L", start: { latitude: 51.4775, longitude: -0.4849 }, end: { latitude: 51.4776, longitude: -0.4332 }},
      { id: "09R", start: { latitude: 51.4647, longitude: -0.4823 }, end: { latitude: 51.4655, longitude: -0.4341 }},
      { id: "27L", start: { latitude: 51.4655, longitude: -0.4341 }, end: { latitude: 51.4647, longitude: -0.4823 }}

    // Get the SVG container
    const svgContainer = document.getElementById('radar-svg');

    // Function to draw waypoints
    function drawWaypoints() {
      // Draw new waypoints
      waypointCoordinates.forEach(waypoint => {
        const position = convertCoordinates(waypoint.latitude, waypoint.longitude);

        console.log(`Waypoint ${waypoint.name} position: (${position.x}, ${position.y})`);

        // Draw square representing waypoint
        const square = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect');
        square.setAttribute('x', position.x - 5); // Adjust position to center square
        square.setAttribute('y', position.y - 5); // Adjust position to center square
        square.setAttribute('width', 10);
        square.setAttribute('height', 10);
        square.setAttribute('fill', 'blue');

        // Add label for the waypoint
        const label = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');
        label.setAttribute('x', position.x + 10); // Offset label position
        label.setAttribute('y', position.y - 10); // Offset label position
        label.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); // Align text to start of label
        label.setAttribute('dominant-baseline', 'middle'); // Center the text vertically
        label.setAttribute('font-family', 'Arial');
        label.setAttribute('font-size', '12');
        label.setAttribute('fill', 'black');
        label.textContent = waypoint.name;

    // Function to draw runways
    function drawRunways() {
      // Draw new runways
      runwayCoordinates.forEach(runway => {
        const start = convertCoordinates(runway.start.latitude, runway.start.longitude);
        const end = convertCoordinates(runway.end.latitude, runway.end.longitude);

        console.log(`Runway ${runway.id} start: (${start.x}, ${start.y})`);
        console.log(`Runway ${runway.id} end: (${end.x}, ${end.y})`);

        const line = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'line');
        line.setAttribute('x1', start.x);
        line.setAttribute('y1', start.y);
        line.setAttribute('x2', end.x);
        line.setAttribute('y2', end.y);
        line.setAttribute('stroke', 'black');
        line.setAttribute('stroke-width', '2');
        // Add label
        const label = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');
        label.setAttribute('x', start.x + 10); // Offset label position
        label.setAttribute('y', start.y - 10); // Offset label position
        label.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); // Align text to start of label
        label.setAttribute('dominant-baseline', 'middle'); // Center the text vertically
        label.setAttribute('font-family', 'Arial');
        label.setAttribute('font-size', '12');
        label.setAttribute('fill', 'black');
        label.textContent = runway.id;

    // Draw waypoints and runways initially

In my attempt to address the inverted Y-axis issue, I experimented with:

const screenY = -(latitude * scaleFactor) + offsetY;

Despite thorough verification of the coordinates, the problem persists.

Answer №1

I appended four new coordinates to your waypointCoordinates object, which are: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, and WEST.

By making this adjustment, you can easily visualize that the NORTH point is located below LON, while SOUTH is positioned above LON.

One viable solution involves modifying the object returned from convertCoordinates() to

return { x: screenX, y: window.innerHeight - screenY };
as suggested by Jaromanda in the comments on your question.

The challenge here arises from the difference in reference points between longitude and latitude, where latitude starts at the equator (i.e. 0) and increases northward. Conversely, in SVG, the origin is the top left corner and increases as we move downward. Therefore, we need to introduce a negative value to screenY in the returned object above and adjust the vertical screen position by adding window.innerHeight.

To enhance visibility, I included a flip checkbox in the top left corner placed above the container by setting z-index: -1 for the radar-container div.

const flipCheckbox = document.getElementById("flipCheckbox");

      flipCheckbox.addEventListener("click", () => {
        while (svgContainer.lastChild) {

      // Function to convert latitude and longitude to screen coordinates
      function convertCoordinates(latitude, longitude) {
        // Airport coordinates
        const airportLatitude = 51.4775; // Decimal degrees
        const airportLongitude = -0.46139; // Decimal degrees

        // Calculate center of SVG based on airport coordinates
        const centerX = window.innerWidth / 2;
        const centerY = window.innerHeight / 2;

        // Assume some mapping between latitude and y-axis, and longitude and x-axis
        // You may need to adjust these calculations based on your specific mapping
        const scaleFactor = 2000; // Adjust based on the scale of your radar screen
        const offsetX = centerX - (airportLongitude * scaleFactor);
        const offsetY = centerY - (airportLatitude * scaleFactor);
        const screenX = (longitude * scaleFactor) + offsetX;
        const screenY = (latitude * scaleFactor) + offsetY;
        return flipCheckbox.checked ? {
          x: screenX,
          y: window.innerHeight - screenY
        } : {
          x: screenX,
          y: screenY

      // Waypoint coordinates
      const waypointCoordinates = [{
          name: "LON",
          latitude: 51.4861,
          longitude: -0.4666
          name: "EAST",
          latitude: 51.4861,
          longitude: -0.3375
          name: "NORTH",
          latitude: 51.5133,
          longitude: -0.4666
          name: "SOUTH",
          latitude: 51.4123,
          longitude: -0.4666
          name: "WEST",
          latitude: 51.4861,
          longitude: -0.5479

      // Runway coordinates
      const runwayCoordinates = [{
          id: "27R",
          start: {
            latitude: 51.4776,
            longitude: -0.4332
          end: {
            latitude: 51.4775,
            longitude: -0.4849
          id: "09L",
          start: {
            latitude: 51.4775,
            longitude: -0.4849
          end: {
            latitude: 51.4776,
            longitude: -0.4332
          id: "09R",
          start: {
            latitude: 51.4647,
            longitude: -0.4823
          end: {
            latitude: 51.4655,
            longitude: -0.4341
          id: "27L",
          start: {
            latitude: 51.4655,
            longitude: -0.4341
          end: {
            latitude: 51.4647,
            longitude: -0.4823

      // Get the SVG container
      const svgContainer = document.getElementById('radar-svg');

      // Function to draw waypoints
      function drawWaypoints() {
        // Draw new waypoints
        waypointCoordinates.forEach(waypoint => {
          const position = convertCoordinates(waypoint.latitude, waypoint.longitude);

          console.log(`Waypoint ${waypoint.name} position: (${position.x}, ${position.y})`);

          // Draw square representing waypoint
          const square = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect');
          square.setAttribute('x', position.x - 5); // Adjust position to center square
          square.setAttribute('y', position.y - 5); // Adjust position to center square

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