Exploring Grails Assets, Redirections, Secure Sockets Layer, and Chrome

Using Grails 2.1.1 with the resources plugin, I have encountered an issue when incorporating the jstree library which comes with themes configuration:


The JavaScript in the library locates the theme relative to its path, leading to a URL like:


In my ApplicationResources.groovy file, I specify the tree resources as follows:

tree {
    resource url: '/js/jsTree/1.0/_lib/jquery.cookie.js'
    resource url: '/js/jsTree/1.0/_lib/jquery.hotkeys.js'
    resource url: '/js/jsTree/1.0/jquery.jstree.js'

When deploying this setup on our SSL server, Firefox and Safari correctly fetch the styles.css from the static path set by the resources plugin:


However, Chrome encounters a problem where it attempts to load the new URL over non-SSL after receiving a 302 redirect, resulting in the tree styles not rendering properly or at all.

I am unable to provide a public example of this issue currently. Has anyone else faced a similar situation before?

Answer №1

After some investigation, it turns out the root cause was related to jsTree. To fix it, I updated the configuration by specifying the URL explicitly instead of relying on jsTree to determine it:

    "url": contextPath + "/js/jsTree/1.0/themes/default/style.css"

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