Explore the power of Infinity.js for optimizing the rendering of large HTML tables, complete with a detailed example using prototype

Is there a way to efficiently load/render large html tables without compromising performance, especially in Internet Explorer?

I recently came across a plugin in prototype.js (https://github.com/jbrantly/bigtable/, post: , demo:) that addresses this issue. I am curious if there is a solution using jQuery.

Additionally, I am experimenting with setting fixed widths/heights for cells (both through css and col attribute) to avoid re-layout when the window is resized, while still maintaining responsiveness with media queries.

Are there any other suggestions or strategies for optimizing performance on pages containing large html tables?

Answer №1

To optimize the rendering process, consider using a setInterval to gradually render the table instead of displaying it all at once to the user.

Improving performance can be achieved by minimizing DOM updates. Construct the table as a string in JavaScript and then append it to the DOM in one go instead of making numerous updates.

For better loop efficiency, store the length of an array outside the loop declaration. This optimization can enhance performance, especially in older browsers.

for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
    // perform actions

Answer №2

If you're looking for a powerful data grid solution, I highly recommend exploring SlickGrid. It boasts exceptional performance, relies on jQuery, has a mature codebase, and is actively maintained.

The only drawback is the lack of support for IE6 — however, considering that most users no longer require compatibility with such outdated browsers, this shouldn't be a major concern.

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