Explore the intricacies of complex hierarchies

<table id="financial101_tab1" class="dxrpControl_Moderno dxrpWithoutHeader_Moderno">
        <td id="financial101_tab1_RPC" class="dxrp dxrpcontent">
            <input id="BlockControlfinancial101_tab1ATI" type="hidden" value="1" name="Block..."></input>
            <div id="BlockControlfinancial101_tab1" class="dxtcLite_Moderno dxtc-top">
                <ul id="BlockControlfinancial101_tab1_TC" class="dxtc-strip dxtc-stripContainer">
                    <li id="BlockControlfinancial101_tab1_T0" class="dxtc-tab dxtc-lead">
                        <a class="dxtc-link">
                            <b class="dxtc-text dx-vam">

I am not requesting any modification to the text within the class.

<b class="dxtc-text dx-vam">

and background of

<li id="BlockControlfinancial101_tab1_T0" class="dxtc-tab dxtc-led">

I attempted

$(".dxrpControl_Moderno.dxrpWithoutHeader_Moderno").each(function ()
                if ($(this).find(".dxtc-tab.dxtc-lead").find(".dxtc-link").find("dxtc-text.dx-vam").text() == "Гистограмма")

However, I did not receive any notification.

Answer №1

When working with text, make sure to utilize the .trim() method to remove any extra spaces:

if ($(this).find(".dxtc-tab.dxtc-lead").find(".dxtc-link").find("dxtc-text.dx-vam").text().trim()  == "Гистограмма"

Check out this live demo on JSFiddle

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