Experiencing problem with hover:after effect on Internet Explorer 8

I've been working on incorporating the CSS effect found on this website:

Everything seems to be functioning properly except for the fix provided for IE8. I added some conditional code so that the fix is only applied to <= IE8, and as a result didn't include the CSS3 reset for standard browsers. However, the fix doesn't appear to be working as expected, all I'm seeing is the text and it's wrapping around strangely.

You can view working examples here:

The example I set up can be found here:

Any insights into why mine isn't working? The main differences I noticed are that he's using lists and has his a tags set as blocks. I tried implementing this but it's causing layout issues for me.

Answer №1

My theory is that the issue arises from the insertion and styling of an element (specifically, the <span class="overlay">) between the container and image. This could be causing a disruption in positioning when viewed in IE8. To demonstrate this, I have created a basic jsfiddle example that functions correctly in Chrome and IE8, based on the initial scenario. Unfortunately, I lack access to IE9 or newer versions for verification.

The main complication encountered was related to the width of the :hover overlay element being excessive. To address this, I applied left:0;right:0 within the respective class. While this modification may not align precisely with your preferences, my intention is that it provides some assistance regardless :-)

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