Experiencing a lack of desired outcome in Outlook when using simple HTML with table elements

When creating a template for Outlook, I encountered an issue where the logo appeared on the right and the link text was on the left, which is the opposite of what I wanted. How can this be resolved?

<table width="600px;" style="margin:auto auto;">
<tr style="left:auto">

Within this main table's td tag, the following tables are included. I have made sure that all tags are properly closed without missing any.

The code below pertains to the main table for the logo and link...

<table width="150px;" bgcolor="ffffff" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="left">

This code is for the link:

<td style="text-align:right;">
<a href="http://www.url.com" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family:Myriad Pro; color:#0d5497; font-size:20px; text-align:end; inline-box-align:last; left:auto" data->www.linkurl.com

I have tried using text-align, left:auto, right:auto in the <table>, <tr>, <td> levels accordingly but have not achieved the desired output.

Image of the current output in Outlook:

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion that might be more aligned with what you are searching for: JSFiddle Example

Your initial idea was on the right track with

<td style="text-align:right;">
<a href="http://www.url.com" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family:Myriad Pro; color:#0d5497; font-size:20px; text-align:end; inline-box-align:last; left:auto" data->www.linkurl.com

However, there are some issues with your CSS. The 'end' value in text-align is not valid and I am unfamiliar with inline-box-align as well.

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