Expanding a responsive HTML background image using Javascript

I've spent countless hours grappling with this code, attempting to dynamically resize the background of HTML based on the browser window size using JavaScript. Here's what I have so far (I'm using Firefox for this):

GM_addStyle('body {background-image: url("chrome://browserbackgrounds/content/browserbackgrounds

var images = document.getElementsByTagName ("img");
var x=0;
if(images[x].src == "https://www.google.com/images/nav_logo170.png")
images[x].src = "chrome://browserbackgrounds/content/browserbackgrounds/Generic/Backgrounds   

Here is where I am facing a roadblock:


Answer №1

Have you attempted using backgroundSize? (please observe the lowercase starting letter b). The same rule applies to other properties as well; they must be written in camelCase.

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