Execute script when on a specific webpage AND navigating away from another specific webpage

I created a CSS code that adds a fade-in effect to the title of my website, and it works perfectly. However, I now want to customize the fade-in and fade-out effect based on the page I am transitioning from.

My desired outcome:

If I am leaving the "Biology" page and moving to "Biology → Zoology," I want only the "→ Zoology" part to fade in (which I have implemented successfully). But, if I continue to transition from "Biology → Zoology" to "Biology → Zoology → Vertebrates," I want the "→ Vertebrates" section to fade out while keeping "Biology → Zoology."

I believe the solution could look like this:

if ((window.location.pathname == 'x') && (Leaving_page == 'y')) {
            //code for fade-in/out here

Answer №1

Here is the concept:

To determine the previous page visited by a user, you can utilize a script like $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] in PHP or another method.

In addition, define various CSS animation effects with unique class names such as .name-slide-up, .name-fade-out.

After setting this up, implement an if statement to execute actions on your "zoology" page based on the previous page:

if (prev_page == 'http://www.example.com/biology'){
    //display    Biology <span class=".name-fade-in"> → Zoology <span>
else if (prev_page == 'http://www.example.com/biology/zoology/vertebrates'){
    //display    Biology → Zoology <span class=".name-fade-out"> → Vertebrates <span>
    //display    Biology → Zoology

Repeat this process for all other pages to achieve similar effects.

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