Excessive scrolling issue with dropdown menu

Currently, I have a solution in place to handle scrolling very lengthy menus in my dropdowns. You can find more information about it here:


I am wondering if there is a way to prevent the menus from continuously shrinking once the last menu item is visible. Right now, even after the menu has completely loaded, it still keeps getting smaller. I would prefer to avoid that behavior if possible.

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you're experiencing is that your menu list items are shrinking. Are you referring to the entire menu getting smaller, or just the individual items?

You could try setting a specific height for the (Li) elements to see if that helps maintain consistency. Here's an example:

nav li:hover li {height:3em;}

Alternatively, you can also try this:

nav li:hover ul a {height:3em;}

Please let me know if these suggestions resolve the problem for you!

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