Establishing headings and frames for a collection of Essays

I have integrated a RSS Feed into my Vue.js application to display a series of articles. I want to organize these articles in a container similar to tweets on the left, with a heading labeled Latest Articles. However, when I use a tag in the template section, the h1 is displayed for each article, which is not the desired outcome. How can I resolve this issue? Should I consider utilizing bootstrap for better results?

Here is my current code snippet:

    <div class="Articles">
        <a :href="">{{feed.title}}</a>

    export default {
        props: ["feed"]

Answer №1

When generating elements from your database, it is important to use a loop. However, be sure to place the header h1 outside of the loop to avoid repetitive printing of the statement.

If you wish to add a border, you can create an additional id or class in your CSS file or within the HTML tag and apply it to your element.

.class or #id {border: solid black 3px} is an example of how to set a border.

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