Prevent text from wrapping when using jQuery to animate font size

I have a unique way of showcasing content in a preview format by utilizing em units for scaling and adjusting the root font size to increase or decrease. When users click on the preview, the full content is revealed with an animation that scales the font size up to 100%. Here's a link to see it in action:



.example section {
  font-size: 30%;    


  fontSize: '100%'

To enhance the user experience, I incorporate jQuery to smoothly scale the text. However, during this transition, different browsers handle text wrapping at varying points due to rendering differences. This discrepancy can be more pronounced in Chrome compared to Firefox, while IE10 maintains consistent wrapping throughout the animation process.

If you have any suggestions for resolving these issues or implementing workarounds, please share them.

Initially, one workaround I considered involves creating the preview at 100% font size, breaking down the text into individual words, gradually adding them to the container to adjust its height, then identifying each line break and applying specific formatting properties. However, since my previews include arbitrary HTML elements like images sized in em units, this solution might not be practical.

Answer №1

When you enlarge regular text, the decision of how to enlarge it is left to css/html. To have more control over animating and zooming your text, it's important to devise a method that allows for this control.

An example of a poor choice would be converting your text into a bitmap and then scaling it. This method is not ideal due to the high cost of converting a font into a bitmap and the pixelation that occurs when scaled, leading to quality loss. Even using css scale() can cause blurring when zoomed in and out.

My suggestion:

  1. Start by converting your font into a canvas equivalent using cufon, which utilizes a mix of Canvas and VML to render fonts.
  2. While using cufon/canvas is a good first step, zooming in and out on cufonned text will still result in pixelation/quality loss similar to bitmaps. By exploring further research, you'll find that canvas zooming may show pixelation as well.
  3. To overcome this issue, instead of simply scaling your canvas by multiplying width and height, consider rendering your canvas at 25 Frames Per Second (FPS) with slight size adjustments per frame rendered at 1/25 second intervals. This idea was inspired by Flot, a jQuery library for rendering canvas charts.

By following a method like the one used by Flot for smoothly-animating charts, you can maintain full control over your animation process to prevent pixelation and unwanted zooming effects.

Answer №2

To solve the issue of small spacing changes during font size animations, I recommend using a monospaced font. You can test out different options on Google Web Fonts to see if they help eliminate the problem. Here is a link to one option you can try:

Answer №3

To implement css letter-spacing within the div.padder, you can try this code snippet:

letter-spacing: 1px;

This adjustment may bring about some impact, but it's uncertain whether it will meet your desired transformation.

Answer №4

Interestingly, on my Mac, Firefox runs smoothly without any hiccups, but Chrome seems to be encountering more issues than you may have noticed - the text spills out of the container after resizing.

Perhaps it's time to take a step back and reconsider the problem at hand. Let's break it down:

  • We have various text containers of different sizes ("text containers")
  • These containers are nested within a larger container of arbitrary size ("outer container")
  • Browsers display text based on word count that can fit within the width of the container (with overflow: auto;)
  • Considering that all elements maintain their proportions during resizing, the issue should technically not occur (unless there are browser glitches...)

This line of thinking prompted me to review your jsfiddle, and indeed, I observed that the components in your example do not retain their relative sizes during resizing.

On my device (a laptop with small pixel dimensions, but this doesn't affect the argument), the individual text containers (the inner .padder) have an aspect ratio of 143px / 53px = 2.70, while the outer container (.examples) boasts an aspect ratio of 526px / 253px = 2.08.

Here's what this reveals:

  • The relationship between line length and container width alters during resizing
  • Hence, in some cases, the position of line breaks must shift as well during resizing

The only viable solution to tackle the issue you're facing is to ensure that both the outer container and text containers share the same aspect ratio (since any attempt involving actual HTML content alongside changing aspect ratios will produce similar problems).

This adjustment should also address the height discrepancy seen in Chrome, where the text surpasses the container height. This discrepancy arises due to fluctuating line numbers, yet the scaled-up text container's height remains fixed by the outer container (independent of the text container's actual height).

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