"Escape the confines of traditional div sections with the dynamic features of

In the beginning, I have arranged two rows of three divs on my webpage, which is how I intend to use them later. However, when testing the 'mobile view', the divs in the section overflow and move into the next part below the section. This causes some layout issues:

Is there a way to expand the sections so that users can scroll down and view the divs beyond the first set before moving on to the next section? Or is there another solution to this problem?

Answer №1

Is there a way to increase the size of the sections so that I can simply scroll down and see the divs below the other three divs, before moving on to the next section? Or is there another solution?

One option is to disable the autoScrolling feature of fullpage.js when this issue arises.

You could also utilize the responsive option like shown in this example, and then potentially add the fp-auto-height class to your sections for them to have height: auto as detailed here in the documentation.

To add this class dynamically under certain conditions, you would need to use jQuery or Javascript on your own, since the plugin does not offer a built-in method for doing so.

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