Are there any instances where CSS is overlooking certain HTML elements?

In the following HTML code snippet, the presence of the element with class ChildBar is optional:

<div class="Parent">
    <div class="ChildFoo"></div>
    <div class="ChildBar"></div> <!-- May not be present -->
    <div class="ChildBaz"></div>

It is specified that ChildBaz should be positioned 4px below ChildFoo</code and <code>6px below ChildBar. This can be achieved using the following CSS:

.ChildFoo + .ChildBaz {
  margin-top: 4px;

.ChildBar + .ChildBaz {
  margin-top: 6px;

The objective now is to dynamically position the element ChildBar correctly using JavaScript. The requirements for this task are as follows:

  1. The structure around ChildBar cannot be altered in a way that breaks the JavaScript functionality.
  2. The positioning must involve mounting the element rather than just displaying it from a hidden state.
  3. The existing styles defined above must remain intact.

If we consider the example markup provided below, using replaceWith would be a simple solution:

<div class="Parent">
    <div class="ChildFoo"></div>
    <div id="ChildBarMountingPoint"></div>
    <div class="ChildBaz"></div>

However, introducing an element with ID ChildBarMountingPoint disrupts the styles. Is there a special "magic" element that CSS ignores, allowing the application of .ChildFoo + ChildBaz? If not, utilizing the replaceWith solution may lead to a dead end, necessitating exploration of alternative solutions.

Answer №1

Is there a special "magic" element that is not recognized by CSS selectors? No, but only certain types of elements can be targeted by selectors, and there are other node types you can explore. Maybe consider using one of those alternatives.

For instance, you could utilize a comment as a workaround. If you are aware that the specific elements will be within a known parent with the class .Parent, you may try this approach:

document.querySelector('#addChildBar').addEventListener('click', () => {
  Array.from(document.querySelector('.Parent').childNodes).find(n => {
    return n.nodeType === 8 && === ' ChildBarMountingPoint '
  }).replaceWith(Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), {
    className: 'ChildBar' 
.ChildFoo + .ChildBaz {
  margin-top: 4px;
  color: red;

.ChildBar + .ChildBaz {
  margin-top: 6px;
  color: green;
<div class="Parent"> 
    <div class="ChildFoo">foo</div>
    <!-- ChildBarMountingPoint -->
    <div class="ChildBaz">baz</div>
<button type="button" id="addChildBar">Add ChildBar</button>

Comments in the DOM are labeled as node type 8.

If you are unsure about the parent element, you'll have to traverse the DOM node by node until you locate the correct comment node.

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