Errors with pointer events occurring within nested iframes on Chromium 78

At first glance, it seems like a bug specific to Chromium. I have already reported this issue in a bug report. Since progress is slow on that front, I am posting a question here primarily to see if anyone else has encountered similar or related issues and has found a workaround solution.

For the sake of readability, I will not provide HTML5 compliant code examples. Instead, I will offer simplified examples.


In Chrome 78 and Edge beta browsers, when there are nested iframes with different origins overlapping an element, there are inconsistencies with the firing of pointerout/pointerover events between clicks inside the iframe - but only when there is movement of at least 1px between pointerdown and pointerup. This behavior differs from Chrome 77, Edge stable, Firefox, and Safari where these events only occur when the pointer leaves or enters the iframe, as expected.

Removing the overlapping element resolves the issue in Chrome 78, but Edge beta remains unaffected by this scenario.

When the origin of both iframes is made similar (e.g. Both localhost), the behavior is as expected in both browsers.


Start a server (like http-server for simplicity) in a folder containing the following files:


<iframe src="[port]/b.html"></iframe>
<div style="height: 3px;
    width: 300px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 159px;
    left: 10px;
    right: 0px;
    background: green;"></div>


<iframe src="http://localhost:[port]/c.html"></iframe>


<button id="btn">Click</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
    btn.addEventListener('pointerdown', function() { console.log('down'); });
    btn.addEventListener('pointerup', function() { console.log('up'); });
    btn.addEventListener('pointerover', function() { console.log('over'); });
    btn.addEventListener('pointerout', function() { console.log('out'); });
    btn.addEventListener('pointerleave', function() { console.log('leave'); });

Navigate to localhost/a.html, click the button, and check the console for event logs.

Please note that the iframe origins in a.html and b.html differ. When you navigate to the behavior is correct, but on localhost it is not.

If you move the div in a.html outside the iframes, it functions correctly (Chrome 78 only).


Are there any potential workarounds? Ideally something achievable through JS or CSS since adjusting the iframe origin and domains may not always be feasible or optimal.

As for dealing with overlapping divs, sometimes adjusting the z-index can help, but it's not always the best solution especially considering iframes can also have overlapping elements.

Answer №1

Here's a potential solution: consider comparing the coordinates in the out/leave events to the last recorded position within the button element. If the coordinates match, you can disregard the out/leave events. Additionally, it may be necessary to address the blur event.

For instance, your down handler could establish certain variables (such as current position and pressed state) while also listening for move events.

The move handler would simply update the current position.

In the out/leave handler, compare the current position with the event position. If they align and there was no blur event, dismiss the event and exit the handler. If not, cancel the press, reset variables, and unsubscribe from move events.

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