Error Message Design in ASP.NET

I am currently developing a website using .net, which is a new technology for me.

Here is the snippet of code I am working with...

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ValidationGroup="V1" Display="Dynamic"
           ErrorMessage="Please fill in your name" ControlToValidate="TB_Name"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

This code generates a textfield and displays the 'ErrorMessage' text within a span when an error occurs. However, I want to move this error message span somewhere else on the page. Is there a way to remove it from the code?

I apologize if this is unclear as I am a bit confused myself!

I have attempted to add a Validation Summary at the bottom of my page but nothing is showing up in it. Do I need to link the Id to anything for it to work correctly?

HeaderText="Summary of Validation Errors:"

Answer №1

Modify the Display property of the validation control to be set as None.

Next, incorporate a ValidationSummary control where you wish to showcase any errors (assuming that you prefer them to appear together in one location).

The ValidationSummary component examines all validators linked to its designated ValidationGroup, consolidating and displaying any errors for that group in one unified location.

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