Ensure the continuous flow of text using the Div element

I've successfully implemented a fading image on scroll as desired.

However, upon closer inspection here, I've noticed that the text and menu below the image are positioned too far away, especially when resizing the browser window.

My goal is to maintain the overlay effect of the scrolling text on the image, similar to the style used in this example.

I apologize for not providing a JSFiddle link; I encountered issues with it.

While I attempted to make adjustments using this solution, the text no longer scrolls over the image as intended (like the FearTheGrizzly reference).

In essence, my objective is to have the text near the top of the image and ensure it remains aligned when resizing the browser window.

Answer №1

One issue arises when the background image changes height during browser resizing because of background-size:100% auto;, while the element itself remains static. To address this, one could potentially resolve it by modifying the div's size through CSS rather than just adjusting the background-image. Assuming you prefer not to take that approach, another solution involves using JavaScript to dynamically resize the div so that all content aligns properly:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $homeDiv = $('.home'); 
    $(window).resize(); //execute this on page load to ensure correct initial div sizing
$(window).resize(function() {
    ($homeDiv).height($(window).width()/1440 * 600);
    console.log($(window).width()/1440 * 600);

However, keep in mind that this modification may impact how your fading effect operates. Therefore, adjust the 'opacity' line in your JavaScript accordingly:

 'opacity' : 1 - windowScroll / ($(window).width()/1440 * 600 - 30)

This method assumes consistent dimensions for your image. While there are alternative approaches available regardless of image dimensions, this is considered the simplest solution.

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