Change the position of the specified footer on the one-page website

I am currently in the process of creating a single-page layout website. What I want is to have the elements with the class "footer-bar" positioned absolutely on each page, but on the #Home Page, it should be position relatively.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make specific changes to individual pages? I don't want to have the footer written into every page, just once. I only need a CSS change if I am on the #Home page.

Thank you for any ideas.

<li><a href="#Home">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#Other">Other</a></li>

<ul class="tabs-content">
<li id="Home"> Content for Home Page </li>       ---->Footer position:relative
<li id="Other"> Content for Other Page </li>     ---->Footer position:absolute

<div class="footer">Footer Content</div>

Answer №1

It seems like your question is a bit unclear, but based on my interpretation, this code could potentially solve your issue:

.footer-bar {
position: absolute;
/* add any other necessary styles */

.footer-bar#Home {
position: relative;
/* add more custom styles here */


To make the #Home in the CSS above a .Home, incorporate the following jQuery code within the required function.




Answer №2

To achieve this, consider using Jquery for the task at hand.

It is important to have a method in place to determine which tab is currently active. Therefore, implement a click event on your navigation links that will add or remove an .active class to your tabs accordingly.

Once you can identify the active tab, check if it corresponds to the 'home' tab and make any necessary CSS adjustments.

If this explanation seems unclear, I can create a sample demonstration for you. =)

Answer №3

This is the method I used:

$("#navpoint1, #navpoint2, #navpoint3, #navpoint4").on("click", function () {

         position: 'absolute',
         bottom: '0'


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