Ensure that the tooltip remains visible within the confines of the page

In my Angular application, I have successfully implemented a versatile tooltip feature that goes beyond just displaying text. The tooltip is a div element that has the ability to contain various contents:

.tooltip-master {
  position: relative;

  .tooltip-slave {
    visibility: collapse;
    position: absolute;
    top: 80%;
    left: 80%;
.tooltip-master:hover {
  .tooltip-slave {
    visibility: visible;
<div class="tooltip-master">
  <div>Content within element</div>
  <div class="tooltip-slave">Tooltip content here</div>

Everything functions as intended when hovering over an element, with the tooltip appearing at the bottom right. However, for elements positioned near the bottom of the page, the tooltip extends beyond the viewable area and becomes inaccessible.

I am now seeking a solution that will automatically move the tooltip upward if it risks going off-screen. Ideally, I would like to achieve this using only CSS. Are there any recommendations or suggestions for achieving this behavior?

Answer №1

It's challenging to provide a precise solution without more information. It seems like you have set the positioning to top: 80% and left: 80% for a specific purpose, which may complicate finding a CSS-only resolution.

In such cases, I recommend using ngx-bootstrap. You can find more information on how to implement tooltips automatically at .

However, if you have a unique reason for wanting to customize it yourself, feel free to explore their implementation methods for guidance.

Answer №2

After much trial and error, I have managed to come up with a solution that, unfortunately, does not work with plain CSS, but gets the job done.

To determine whether the tooltip should be displayed above or below, you will need to add either the class tooltip-slave-above or tooltip-slave-below:

.tooltip-master {
  position: relative;

  .tooltip-slave {
    visibility: collapse;
    position: absolute;
    left: 80%;
    z-index: 200;
  .tooltip-slave-below {
    top: 80%;
  .tooltip-slave-above {
    bottom: 80%;
.tooltip-master:hover {
  .tooltip-slave {
    visibility: visible;

The master div now responds to the mouseenter event, and the tooltip classes are dynamically applied based on the value of the property setTooltipBelow:

<div class="tooltip-master" (mouseenter)="tooltipMasterEnter($event)">
  <div>Element content</div>
  <div [ngClass]="{
          'tooltip-slave': true,
          'tooltip-slave-below': setTooltipBelow,
          'tooltip-slave-above': !setTooltipBelow
        }">Tooltip content</div>

This property is determined in a simple manner:

public tooltipMasterEnter(e: MouseEvent) {
  const hBelow = e.view.innerHeight - e.y;
  const hAbove = e.view.innerHeight - hBelow;
  this.setTooltipBelow = hBelow > hAbove;

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