Ensure that the pop-up image stays within the window boundaries and maintains its original aspect

IMPORTANT UPDATE: After realizing there are numerous scenarios where my desired functionality may be needed with different specifications, I need to outline my specific case. Essentially, I am utilizing this image popup (view code here).

If you resize the window while a popup is open, you'll notice that the popup does not adjust its size accordingly, leading to a subpar user experience especially in landscape mode on smartphone devices.

I aim to make my popup resize based on both the width and height of the screen without distorting the aspect ratio of the image (maintaining its square shape).

These are the alterations I have implemented so far:

.focus {
  z-index: 10;
  max-width: 500px;
  max-height: 500px;
  display: none;

.focus.enabled .container {
  max-width: 500px;
  max-height: 500px;

Testing it via this link using Firebug makes the image responsive when reducing the width, but not when adjusting the height of the window. How can I ensure responsiveness in both dimensions while preserving the image's aspect ratio?

----------- Previous inquiry (archived for reference): ----------------

I want to confine an element (specifically a picture) with maximum dimensions of 500x500 within the browser window while maintaining its aspect ratio intact. Here is sample HTML:

    <img src="myimage.png" class="image" />

Accompanied by CSS:

.image { 
  max-height: 500px;
  max-width: 500px;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

With this CSS, the image remains inside the window but warps when either dimension of the window shrinks below 500px. To preserve the ratio, one of the two 100% directives needs to be removed:

.image { 
  max-height: 500px;
  max-width: 500px;
  height: 100%;
  /*width: 100%;*/

However, removing one of these renders the ratio correct, but leads to cropping of the image when the window width falls below 500px! What straightforward CSS solution exists for this fundamental issue?

Answer №1

This highlights a practical application for vmin units :

Representing 1/100th of the minimum value between the height and the width of the viewport. (source : MDN)

See DEMO here

Relevant CSS :

img {
    width: 70vmin; 
    height: 70vmin;
    max-width: 500px; 
    max-height: 500px;

An important consideration when using these units is browser support, as they are not compatible with IE8- (more information on canIuse)

To ensure compatibility with IE9, use 'vm' instead of 'vmin', for example:

width: 70vmin; 
height: 70vmin;

If vmin units cannot be used, there isn't an established method to maintain aspect ratio of a div based on height in CSS. However, maintaining aspect ratio based on width is achievable using padding techniques discussed in various posts including this reference.

For images, you can implement the CSS rules described above to uphold aspect ratio without restricting image size.

------PREVIOUS ANSWER------------------

If the natural dimensions of the image are 500x500px, specifying max-width/height as 500px is unnecessary.

Employ max-width/height set at 100% and leave width/height with the attribute auto to preserve image aspect ratio and prevent exceeding 100% or 500px width/height limits:

View DEMO here


<img src="http://lorempixel.com/output/nature-q-c-500-500-5.jpg" alt="" />


img {

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