Enhancing the appearance of the MUI DatePicker

I'm currently using a DatePicker component from Mui Lab and I'm attempting to customize the appearance of the Calendar component by incorporating some border or background color. Although I've tried utilizing the PaperProps prop for DatePicker, it hasn't achieved the desired styling effect. I'm puzzled as to why I can't simply apply an SX prop for this purpose

here is the calendar where I intend to include a border

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { TextField } from '@material-ui/core';
import { alpha } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import DatePicker from '@material-ui/lab/DatePicker';
import { AppBorderStyle } from '../theme';

export const DateField = (props) => {
  const {
  } = props;

  return (
        sx: {
          '& .MuiPaper-root': {
            backgroundColor: 'red',
            border: '1px solid black',
      renderInput={({ InputProps, ...rest }) => (
            '& .MuiFilledInput-root': {
              backgroundColor: 'background.paper',
              borderRadius: 1,
              border: AppBorderStyle,
              px: 1.5,
              py: 0.75,
              transition: (theme) => theme.transitions.create([
              '&:hover': {
                backgroundColor: 'background.paper'
              '&.Mui-focused': {
                backgroundColor: 'background.paper',
                boxShadow: (theme) => `${alpha(theme.palette.primary.main,
                  0.25)} 0 0 0 0.2rem`
              '& .MuiFilledInput-input': {
                fontSize: 14,
                height: 'unset',
                lineHeight: 1.6,
                p: 0
              '&.Mui-disabled': {
                backgroundColor: 'action.disabledBackground',
                boxShadow: 'none',
                borderColor: alpha('#D6DBE1', 0.5)
            disableUnderline: true,
            shrink: true,
            sx: {
              color: 'text.primary',
              fontSize: 14,
              fontWeight: 500,
              mb: 0.5,
              position: 'relative',
              transform: 'none'

DateField.defaultProps = {
  disabled: false,

DateField.propTypes = {
  disabled: PropTypes.bool,
  error: PropTypes.bool,
  fullWidth: PropTypes.bool,
  helperText: PropTypes.string,
  label: PropTypes.string,
  name: PropTypes.string,
  onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  onBlur: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  placeholder: PropTypes.string,
  value: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date)

Answer №1

It has come to my attention that you are utilizing an outdated version of mui, as you can verify here. For the most recent iterations of material UI components, we now import material components from @mui rather than @material-ui.

I am uncertain if the classes align with those in your current version. Nonetheless, it appears that the issue at hand is related to targeting an incorrect class for adding a border. You should focus on the MuiPickersPopper-root class to modify the border.

        sx: {'&.MuiPickersPopper-root': {border: '4px solid red'},},

I have devised a solution for DatePicker with a border available here. Enjoy!

Answer №2

Here's the updated method for achieving this on mui version 5:

      popper: {
        sx: {
          ".MuiPaper-root": { border: "1px solid blue", borderRadius: "10px" },

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