Enhancing the appearance of text in an article by using hover effects, while ensuring the link is attached to the

As I work on the design of my website, I am faced with a challenge involving elements that have links attached to them. I want visitors to be able to click anywhere on the article and be directed to a specific page. The code snippet I currently have is as follows:

<article class="pfitem"><a href="research.php">
<img class="pfcover" src="Images/pfresearch.png" />
<p class="pfcaption">Research Papers</p>

In addition, I aim to create a hover effect where the text "Research" has a purple background when users interact with the article. This consistency in styling is present throughout all the text links on the site. I attempted to achieve this using CSS and the class "pfcap."

Answer №1

Here is an example of writing code in this style:

.pfitem:hover a .pfcaption{

Answer №2

Here is a simple CSS solution:

.custom:hover {
    background-color: #f9d;

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