Enhancing speed on an extensive list without a set height/eliminating the need for virtualization

My webapp includes a feature that showcases exhibitors at an expo. The user can click on "Exhibitors" in the navigation bar to access a page displaying all the exhibitors. Each exhibitor may have different details, some of which may or may not contain data (such as Booth, Videos, etc). To accommodate this variability, fixed row heights were eliminated for better UX.

The problem arises when there are over 500 exhibitors, causing the DOM to freeze while rendering them all. This process can take quite a bit of time, especially on mobile devices. Virtualization seems challenging without fixed row heights. I am now seeking ideas on how to enhance performance without significantly compromising the user experience.

Here's what I've experimented with so far:

  1. Batching the data-binding: Dividing the list into chunks and processing them through a queue with delays to prevent overwhelming execution.
  2. On-demand loading: Initially binding and rendering around 50 exhibitors, then dynamically loading and appending additional chunks as users scroll.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

When dealing with a list of 500 elements, lazy loading is often the most efficient approach. If the data size from the request is not substantial, you can fetch all necessary data in one go (if it's from a web service) and incrementally add to the list as needed. Alternatively, you can make individual requests for batches of items.

It's crucial to optimize how you add elements to your list by only appending them to the DOM once, rather than creating and adding HTML for each element separately. This strategy minimizes the number of times the DOM has to reflow, significantly boosting performance.

Instead of:

for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    $(container).append($('<p>new element</p>'));

You should do this:

html = '';
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    html += '<p>new element</p>';

-----Update------ Below is some code I've utilized previously (assuming jQuery is being used)

function contentNearBottom(container, child, threshold) {
    var total_height, current_scroll, visible_height;

    current_scroll = container.scrollTop();
    visible_height = container.height();
    total_height = child.height();

    if (threshold < 0) threshold = 0;

    return ((total_height - threshold) <= (current_scroll - visible_height));

function lazyLoadMessages() {
    if (contentNearBottom($("div.content"), $("div.content > ul"), 2500)) {
        // load more data

Add this in document ready function

$(document).on('scrollstart scrollstop', 'div.content', function(event) {

The HTML structure

<div class="content">

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