"Enhance your website with Wordpress and Divi by adding dynamic image replacement on hover

In search of a code to insert into my project Utilizing images to create a large interactive button

I'm currently using the divi code module within WordPress. I am seeking the ability to have an image switch with another image when hovering over it, and then switch back when no longer hovered over, all with a relatively quick fade effect. (I will provide the image URLs).

Additionally, I would like the image to be clickable and direct users to a specific URL (I will specify this in the code, just let me know where to add it i.e |your url here|).

For mobile devices or touch screen users, I want the first image to change to the second image when tapped on, and then redirect to the same specified URL.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

Check out my codepen: http://codepen.io/tobiasglaus/pen/wzYZAP

background: url('http://www.hutui6.com/data/out/102/66775709-image-wallpapers.jpg');

I have added a background image in the css file, and it changes when you hover over it...

Interestingly, on mobile devices, hovering effects are automatically triggered when tapping, creating the same result.

Answer №2

After some research, I found a way to accomplish this using HTML

    <a class="ds-hover-1" href="(LINK URL)"><img src="(NORMAL IMAGE URL)"onmouseover="this.src='(OVERLAY IMAGE URL)'" onmouseout="this.src='(NORMAL IMAGE URL)'"></a>

Just wrote my first line of HTML! So excited to learn more and figure out how to create a fade effect.

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