Enhance the dimensions of images on Tumblr

Is there a way to customize the width of a photo in HTML? I am having trouble changing the size of a photo set on Tumblr to be larger. I have tried researching it, but I don't understand where to place maxwidth:600px or if this is even the correct approach.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this matter.


  <div class="permalink">
    {block:IfNotDisqusShortname}<a href="{Permalink}">&rarr;</a>{block:IfNotDisqusShortname}
    {block:Date}{block:IfDisqusShortname}<a href="{Permalink}#disqus_thread"></a>{block:IfDisqusShortname}{/block:Date}

  <div class="photo post">

      <img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>


    <div class="postmeta">{block:Date}<a href="{Permalink}">{TimeAgo}</a>&nbsp; {/block:Date}<a href="{Permalink}" style="text-transform:lowercase;">{lang:Notes} ({NoteCount})</a></div>




Answer №1

When you increase the size from 500px, the image becomes more blurry. Interestingly, Tumblr actually keeps a larger version of your image called HighRes, which can be up to 1280px wide.

To utilize this feature in your theme HTML, simply replace photoURL-500 with photo-HighRes. Then you can resize the image accordingly.

In my own theme, I implement it like this:

{block:PermalinkPage}<a href="{PhotoURL-HighRes}">{/block:PermalinkPage}
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" alt="{PhotoAlt}" {block:IndexPage}width="435px"

This code reduces the 1280px image to 435px for the index page and enlarges it to 900px for the permalink page, as demonstrated here:

Answer №2

To address your query, it might be helpful to include the width="600" parameter before the alt attribute within the image tag:

<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" width="600" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>

Answer №3

Take a look at slidestheme.tumblr.com for the source code related to this particular line:

replaceRawPhotoLinks: function() {
      $("article.photo div.media a[href*='/photo/1280']").each(function() {`enter code here`

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